

Various Media


The Leader’s Board“How Can Today’s Healthcare Consumer Shape Your Engagement Efforts” - Speaker, Charleston, SC, USA, 2021

Strategic Leadership Summit (FTSI, USA) — “Into the Void: Learnings from a Start-up’s People, Problems, and Processes” - Keynote Speaker, Palm Springs, CA, USA, 2021

Health Plan Innovation Roundtable“Docent Health & an Intro to Health Plan Membership Design” - Speaker, Virtual, 2020

AVIA Medicaid Transformation Project“Personalizing Care to Improve Outcomes” - Speaker, Virtual, 2019

Patient Experience Summit - “Maps to Success: Express Pass to Understanding How Experience Mapping Can Improve Patient, Staff, and Provider Experience” - Keynote Speaker, Las Vegas, NV, USA 2018

HubWeek“Healthcare and the Experience Economy" - Panel Moderator, Boston, MA, USA, 2017

BAI Global Conference“Transforming and Converging Digital & Physical Channels to Meet Customer Needs” - Keynote Speaker, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2015

PayThink 2015 Annual Conference“How Sweeping Generational Shifts & Radical Software Platforms are Leading to True CX Transformation” - Keynote Speaker, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2015

CX Banking & Global Branch Transformation Conference“How the Consumer Revolution is Reimagining Digital and Physical Channel Distribution Models” - Keynote Speaker, Mexico City, Mexico, 2014

U.S. Government, Office of Financial Institutions Policy (OFIP) - “Technology and the Transforming Banking Industry” - Speaker, Technical Presenter, Washington DC, USA, 2014

New England Financial Marketing Association “Creating a Profitable Omnichannel Experience” - Keynote Speaker, Bar Harbor, ME, USA, 2014

New York Stock Exchange“NCR Annual Investor Day” -Technical Presenter, New York, NY, USA, 2012, 2013
